If you feel that folder creation is best left to the card-carrying professionals, don't worry! It is possible for a SAS admin to restrict use of the DLCREATEDIR option. Physical Name(2): /saswork/SAS_workC1960000554D_gsf0/results/images NOTE: Libref RES was successfully assigned as follows: Libname res ( "&outdir./results", "&outdir./results/images" ) Here's a simple example, along with the log messages: When this option is in effect, a LIBNAME statement that points to a non-existent folder will take matters into its own hands and create that folder. In SAS 9.3 there is a new system option that simplifies this: DLCREATEDIR. It can get complex when you have to account for operating system differences, and whether operating system commands are even permitted ( NOXCMD system option). The SAS-related archives are full of examples of this. Use SAS statements and shell commands (via SYSTASK or other method) to create the folders as needed.(This is the SEP method: Somebody Else's Problem.)

Simply require that the folders exist before you run through the project.Traditionally, SAS programmers have handled this by doing one of the following: The exact structure depends on the project, but here's an example:īefore you can have SAS populate these file folders, the folders have to actually exist. When I work on SAS projects that create lots of files as results, it's often a requirement that those files be organized in a certain folder structure.